Yup, that's me folks speaking about art last night at the Salem County Art League. Bob Reid was kind enough to make this montage of me. I appreciate that he picked photos without me showing more than one chin! Oh it was a real hootenanny alright. I'm not quite sure what I said but at one point my famous Zuni Indian fetish necklace lost a critter. That was a crowd pleaser for certain.
Seriously though, at times I felt like I was two people, one was speaking and the other was hovering listening to the presentation. Please don't send the men in white jackets. What I'm saying is that I heard what I was telling the group and for the most part it was a positive message. So many more things I wish I shared but my talk focused on what motivates an artist. I was told I had a lot of energy and was inspirational . Could that be? Often times alone in my studio I question the value of what I'm doing. There are days I am ready to set fire to my work and think a regular paycheck would be a more prudent move.
Then there are moments where I see a hint of brilliance or someone thanks me for teaching them a new technique or idea . I tell myself just for that it is all worth it. Being an artist requires a great deal of faith. You need to believe that no matter what, this is what you were meant to do. If you depend on praise or big bank accounts for affirmation you will starve in more ways than one. Doubt will cause more pain than empty pockets. Interestingly enough, if you believe, don't waste energy on the negative and put everything into your art, you are more likely to be outwardly rewarded. If you neglect the importance of the inner reward, nothing will save you.
These are wise words my friends.
I like that me.
I strive to be me.