The sun is shinning, birds singing and it is a bit warmer than it has been. Top that off with it being Friday again and I would have to say YIPEE! Each time eBay Friday comes around I find myself saying that I can’t believe another week has gone by. It seems my life is just flying by. What happened to the days when I would boast that I was going to be eight and a half because those six months took forever to go by? Or when I was twenty and was just dying to be twenty one? Now I think I might just wake up one morning and I will be getting senior citizen discounts at the movies.
In the interest of spring I thought I would auction this painting of a rose blossom. It is oil on canvas that is 5” x 7”. I shared the process of this one on a previous blog entry. I don’t often choose flowers as my subject but I must admit this was a thrill to paint. It was a very sensual experience and I understand why so many artists love to paint them. It can be difficult to express the delicate nature of the petals without killing the vibrancy and power of the bloom itself. Here I purposely pushed the colors to give it a somewhat contemporary feel. I hope you enjoy it. The eBay auction will start Sunday night, so don’t forget to contact me prior if you are interested in purchasing it privately from me.
Little ‘shout out’ to Kelly Andreoli at WOGL-FM. I met her at the Expo and she offered to share marketing ideas with me and had lovely things to say about my work. I need all the help I can get so I am very appreciative.
Have a great weekend everyone!
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