"Ripening Fruits", 24"x30" oil on canvas, is finally done. This piece pays homage to all things new and sweet that are yet to see their finest hour. Canine Partners for Life will be holding their annual wine auction on December 1st and this painting will be featured as the main event. Signed prints will be available so please contact me if you are interested in either bidding on the original or purchasing a print.
I do not post much about my battle with lymphoma (lower case letters because it doesn't deserve more than that) because I'm always torn between posting business and personal information. However, as an artist it is hard to separate the two. Everything I paint, if it is to be successful, must come from the heart. Otherwise you could grab a camera and take your own pictures. There would be no need for me. Though I try very hard to continue on with my life in the most normal of fashions, cancer has colored everything. Some things like the smell of the rain coming down now are made more beautiful by this evil. Other things like planning my future are made far more difficult. Though I'm quite certain I have a beautiful life ahead of me I realize plans are only ideas that suck up precious time.
I am so thankful to all of you who continue to support me and hold my hand through this journey. I just learned that another week of radiation has been added to my treatment. I "planned" on radiation being quick, easy and painless. What a silly plan that was. However, no experience is ever all negative and I promise you I've had some good laughs even through this. Besides, why would I want to stop going to radiation when I can sit across from the man every day who's hospital gown reveals all his "stuff". Radiation...a few thousand dollars a treatment. Seeing an senior citizen's "package"...priceless.
Lori, you know i'm so with you every step of the way. i am always glad to see you post; i am concerned about your health and well-being, physically and emotionally, of course. Please continue to update us. You DO have a beautiful life ahead of you! That's the best thing to keep in mind, too!! You are stronger than you know and of course i send out my Tehillim prayers your way every day and in the Shema at night, you are counted in my blessings!
The painting is AWESOME! Your talent never ever ever ceases to amaze me. And Canine Partners for Life... what a great, great place!
Shabbat Shalom. Sending you peace and love, Lori.
I still remember the first post with these little guys and the way you planned it. I have a little chuckle thinking about those imitation puppies and love to see this magical painting that is born from it.
I don't know what to say about your illness other than I have a great deal of respect for those that make the most of life and get on with what they need to do. If I am ever in a similar situation, I hope that I have the stamina to keep on creating art as you do and I don't say that lightly.
Lori, the painting is amazing!! Kudos to a fabulous painting.
Our prayers are with you... stay strong. :o)
Thank you for your nice message. Still thinking of you in my Tehillim and after my Shema prayers!!
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