Monday, December 24, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Pugalicious for Christmas

graphite on paper
Pardon the title of this post. It rhymes doesn't it? Oh, humor me, ok! Maybe I should have titled it "Pug Alert" because you either love or hate these dogs. There is no in between.
This is a last minute Christmas commission. Not only was this piece created with a major time crunch but the photographs sent were the worst I've ever received. I'm not lying when I say I prayed for guidance the entire time I worked on the dog portrait. Maybe God likes pugs because I believe I had divine assistance in this one. Perhaps I will re-title this blog "Making Something Out of Nothing with God".
As I've said, this year I compare every holiday to that of last year. I clearly remember how I felt and looked last Christmas Eve. It wasn't good. This year, if I'm feeling ill it will be because of too much food and drink and that is likely to happen. I can't begin to tell you how choked up I get thinking about how sweet this year is. It is a feeling like no other. Bittersweet. Just the way I like my chocolate.
Santa, please bring me commissions with good photographs. That's all I want for Christmas. I have my two front teeth and so much more.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! Enjoy!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Dog Portrait - Neptune

oil on canvas
private commission
Another Christmas portrait under my belt. I wish I could be there to hear the comments of Neptune's "mommy" when she receives her gift. Much of the process for me is about getting to know the humans as much as my animal subjects. Sometimes it is difficult to get a feel for a piece without that contact. Hopefully this is where my years of experience come in being able to guess at what the recipient is looking for in a portrait.
I've blown my candles out on yet another birthday cake. Things were much different for me this year. My ice cream cake wasn't tainted with the flavor of chemo on my tongue and I could enjoy a few "toasts" on my special day. As the weeks march on, the experience of last year has less of a grip on me. I still make comparisons and get choked up about things that touch my heart but the ache and pain is fading. I'm also starting to think of things as what they will be instead of as what they were. More than that, I'm much more in the moment and just enjoying things as they are this very second. For instance, I'm listening to Gracie complain that she wants to go out in the yard instead of working in the studio. (She works very hard.) I'm not giving in though because we've played the "in and out" game now for an hour. Things like this used to annoy me and now they just make me laugh.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
My Hairy Evening Gown