I bet that post title grabbed you now didn't it? The photo above was from the Canine Partners for Life Wine Auction. This was the wonderful group I had the honor to sit with. Janie and Jeff Cramer took good care of me all night, making sure I was introduced to everyone and comfortable. I felt so welcomed there. Thanks Janie and Jeff!
Yes, that's me in the bottom right corner with my special "necklace". One of the requirements of the evening was to show up with a creative dog collar in the place of a tie or necklace. I played it safe and went for rhinestones and an "L" charm. Others went all out and even had collars that lit up like Christmas trees. The folks that attended this event were my kind of people. Despite tuxedos and gowns, people went out of their way to have fun and celebrate a fabulous charity event. There was nothing stuffy about this affair.
So you are still wondering where the "hairy evening gown" comes in. Remember, this event was attended by those that train the service dogs and the recipients of these fabulous animals. There were dogs everywhere either learning or assisting. They too were all dressed up for the evening. I'm quite sure the dogs loved being in formal wear. Really, what dog wouldn't? My dress touched the floor and as I passed or petted the proper pooches, I collected "souvenirs" from them all. Janie brought with her a lovely yellow lab named "Butter" who was just beautiful. Butter slept under both of our chairs during dinner, which added to my hair collection. I was never so happy to be covered in dog hair in my life.
The evening began with a silent auction of awesome goodies and tons of wine and yummy food. I bid on so many things but won nothing. Next year will be a different story. I still dream of the reproduction Tiffany lamp that I didn't win. If I ever find the person who outbid me...
The evening closed with the live auction and dinner. I love to listen to an auctioneer. Every lot had a bidder and some went for over $7,000. The "Ripening Fruits" painting went for $2700 I believe. Not bad I think. I'm not quite sure as I was so nervous I could barely breathe. Its new home is in Jeff's office where he will be promoting Canine Partners to other physicians and making recommendation to patients. What a wonderful legacy for that piece.
I also want to thank Anita, Jennifer and Darlene for making me feel so welcome and important that night. I did a little speech that night that I totally flubbed but everyone loved it just the same.
As I get more photos I will post them. I cannot recommend attending this function enough. It was so much fun and for such a good cause. This is the only event of its kind where you know where your money is going and can see your donations at work. Food, wine, winnings, dogs and friends...it is worth every penny. Don't miss it next year.
Just a reminder, I still have prints for sale of "Ripening Fruits". You can contact me or buy them directly from Canine Partners. A portion of the proceeds will go to CPL. Every dollar counts because dog treats are expensive.
Finally, thank you all so much for your kind and caring thoughts on my Dandy.
*HUGS* about Dandy. Thank you for sharing the story. Very sweet and bittersweet...
You look stunning in that photo. You are a stunning person in every way.
And THANK YOU for the Hanukkah card. You made my day. LOVE the artwork. Such talent...
P.S. Sounds like a GREAT event. i wish i could have heard you and been there to enjoy all the festivities. What a worthwhile charity...
$2700 bucks! Wow! That's cool to know you made such a sizable contribution!
I would have paid $10,000 if I had it! Hugs sis
And thank you for the Hanukkah card. i love it!!! You are so thoughtful and talented. i am so lucky/fortunate/thankful for your friendship, Lori.
Hope we meet in person some day...
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