Since it is Friday I wanted to show you something that I found rather amusing. I was looking at my photos from my trip to England and found this one of a building in London. This particular building looks very out of place there but what I found interesting was the man in front of it. His shirt seems to compliment the building. Or is it that the building compliments his shirt? Considering the building was there first I vote for the former. This photo really strikes me as funny and gave me a laugh. Is it just me and my strange sense of humor? Please don't send me emails answering that question, I already know I'm strange.
Monday I will post the progression of my recent works. How's that for something to look forward to?! I'm sorry, that was just pathetic.
If ever you are in Keswick please take a moment to visit the pencil museum. Yes, there is a museum dedicated to our humble servant, the pencil. Click this link http://www.pencils.co.uk/home.asp to read about the history of the pencil and even how to sharpen it properly. Now that is intriguing isn't it?! Seriously though, this is where the pencils that I use for my graphite commissions are made. I've been using these Derwent pencils for 20 years. Yes, I'm that old and bored that I can tell you what kind of drawing pencil I've been using for 2 decades. I will stop here so as not to over stimulate you with exciting information.
Have a great weekend!
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