I haven't had an Ebay auction in a long time. Well, as of 8pm these evening that will change. For the first time ever I will make an exclusive offer on Ebay. I am auctioning a custom graphite pet portrait, 8"x10" with mat on archival paper, for the very low starting bid of $99. This size and price is only available on Ebay and not from my main site. I do not plan to auction a portrait at this special price often. So, now is a unique opportunity to commission me to create a lasting memory of your beloved pet. Tell your friends and family and bid, bid, bid!
What a beautiful portrait of Gracie! So beautiful.
How are you feeling? Are your chemo rounds almost done? We are still rooting and praying for you!
Jen :o)
Hey Lori!!!
Glad to see you back - I was getting worried there for a little bit :-) Hope you are feeling okay. The portrait is gorgeous - Gracie is beautiful.
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