acrylic on canvas
Sunday morning I was along the roadside of Supawna Meadows painting my little heart out. Last year I saw this little marsh area and knew that someday I would paint it. I have taken many photographs of it but never did they speak to me like standing there. Now that I am a newbie plein air painter I have the freedom of capturing what I see without needing a camera.
I think painting en plein air is so good for teaching one to truly be in the moment. Throughout my life I've always struggled with the concept. I've wasted much time thinking ahead or going over the past while the present just slipped away. As I painted "Morning Marsh" there was no time for anything but putting juicy paint on the canvas. With each passing minute the tide changed and my little mounds of mud were taking on a different look entirely. The light shifted. A blue heron flew into my scene and distracted me. I was stung by a little bee. Not one little second could be wasted on worry or planning. I was forced to just be and do. Truly a beautiful thing.
However, there was one moment that broke the spell. Two good old boys pulled up in their well used pickup truck. They glanced at my painting then walked right over to me in front of my painter's box and asked, "How's the fishin' here?" I'll refrain from comment.
Lori, that is gorgeous. i love the hints of red here and there... absolutely gorgeous. You captured that area well - i'm sure a photo would in no way capture what is there in person.
This is somewhat of a long read but it is very well written and i think you might like it; i thought of you when i read it:
Link is from our local "alternative" paper, The Reader.
Thank you so much for your comments on my blog. As you know, i pray for your health and well being, Lori, and knowing that you took the time to express concern for my dog (and me)... well, that blows me away. Thank you!
You can imagine how i love my little punkin'head and i worry about her... she's on a handful of meds but i think she's on the road to recovery.
i read your post from below (with the lovely painting) and my heart hearts to read about the frustration with the questionable scan results. You are a spirit in this world that i cherish and i am glad you are staying as positive as you can and not shirking from the challenge that life is throwing you.
Stay focused on the big picture... you'll fill in all the missing parts day by day. i believe it.
... my heart HURTS to read about the frustration with the questionable scan results..
(what i meant to write, above)
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