I think the photo of my location choice for this little painting says it all. I'm not right in the head. Someone asked me if I was taunting God by risking getting hit on the side of the road for a mere tiny painting. Maybe I am. All I know is I see this section of water with its little islands of green and it begs me to paint it. Photographs aren't doing it for me these days so chances are I will be back on the side of the road again daring the trucks to mess with me. Don't they know who I am and what I'm trying to do?
What you can't see in the photo of this work is that I am starting to experiment with texturing the canvas prior to painting. I'm getting closer to what I want. Also, the image is a bit red on the screen when in real life is glows more orange. I'm seeking a more minimal nature to my work. To say more with less is my ultimate goal and I'm just in love with the process of getting there. That in itself is a breakthrough for me and will ultimately result in great success. I can taste it.
That being said, I have some interesting updates to the business of Soulful Studios. However, you will have to be patient and wait for my next blog post. I'm off to the river to sit with my favorite sculptor and friends. I hear the osprey are very active today and I have my binoculars ready.
Heh, risking life and limb for art's sake. It's a beautiful thing, Lori. And i have no doubt that you captured the sight(s) perfectly.
Love that you can taste great success. That's SO cool.
Looking forward to your updates... and maybe some osprey photos or other art...?
Oh yeah, nice Scion xB. (2004 xA here)
Does success taste anything like chicken? Just asking...
Nice sense of depth in that marsh painting, I'm a kayaker and it's inviting to me, like I could paddle into that water around that bend...
"I'm Just Nuts"
For once, I'll have to agree with you!
Lori, great to see all is well. Saw the posting on the REMISSION. Glad to see you are doing well. Will call you soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sandy D
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