It has been a month since my last post. For the past 6-7 weeks I've been dealing with some of the side effects of radiation. As it turns out radiation has been far more destructive in the long term than chemotherapy. People think that once treatment is over you are "done". Sort of like being a cake. Done. Well, I am learning there is no such thing. It's all new to me and it isn't much fun. Trust me. However, it isn't all bad. It just ain't all that good! Hopefully things will be turning around soon so I will be posting regularly again. I know how you must miss me. Ha!
Since I'm feeling silly I'd like to take a moment to direct you to a site that might give you a good laugh. Big Ryan of Chucklenut Shirts is a great fellow with a wicked sense of humor. He's turned his own battle with cancer into a business that helps others laugh as well. Now not all his shirts are cancer humor but obviously they are my favorites. I especially love the shirt that says "Your boyfriend loves to rub my bald head." I wish I had that one when I needed it. So visit his site by clicking here and check out all of his shirts. There is no reason not to buy one since he is pretty foul on tons of topics! I'm sure one will tickle your fancy.
Nicely done Lori! But aren’t rabbits ears longer? Looks like a drawing of a cat to me.
Welcome back sis...nice work!
thanks for the heads up on the shirt site. chemotastic. there's a new, fun adjective!
all scanned up now we just hold on till next week.
have a great weekend!
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