acrylic on panel
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I'm embarrassed to admit how much time I spend listening to the birds. If I had a "regular job" I'd most certainly be fired for what appears to be long periods of inactivity. There is no doubt in my mind that other artists know this is time well spent but I wonder about the rest of the population. When the birds sing I am able to sit still and not think so much. During this meditative period I often see paintings in my head or awaken to some new technique I should try. The trick is to apply what I learn in these moments and not just forget about them when I snap back to reality.
If you listen closely you can hear that the birds are starting to sing a different song. I know they are focused on hints of spring. There is excitement and freshness in the air. Bad weather may still visit but it isn't staying long. As I hear these new tunes I too find myself letting go of winter's grip. The paintings in my head change and so does my approach. Plans for painting outside and purchasing new tubes of green to play with are creeping in. Sure, another snow scene or two may still be in the works but they probably won't display the coldness that previous pieces did. They can't. March may have some winter music left but it is a lame duck and can't compete with April's strong mellifluous melodies. Just listen to the birds, they know.
And what you will tell about sparrows - as they since morning sit lumps in a bush and squeak, and then when the sun will warm them at once start to rustle?
Lori your words are as poetic as your painting. Lovely! Yes, we artists do spend time just listening and observing as our ideas incubate.
It is delightful to find another artist who paints pet and landscapes beyond the surface. I call mine "Memory Portraits."
Karlotta...I just love those little lumps...the sparrows. They are little busy bodies that come alive with the warming sung. You are so right! Maybe it is how we should all wake up...squeak and rustle with the heat of the sun.
Carol...love your work! Thank you for your kind words. I am especially attracted to your abstract work as I usually don't relate to it but you capture something. The music one really caught my eye. Your Memory Portrait idea is very special. Thanks for your comment.
Glad you like my abstracts, Lori. Several people have said the same thing and I am trying to figure out why "non-abstract" people like my abstracts...? I think one reason may be because I have one light source and that I make sure the colors harmonize. If you have any ideas, i would be interested. Thank you.
love the painting so much!!!! i agree with you on the birds and zoneing out when they sing. i sure hope spring is around the corner!
That looks like my back yard. I think the vultures are waiting for me to keel over soon! :o)
Your recent paintings have been just breathtaking! So much peace and life- I enjoy looking at them so! Thank you!
Thanks Joe and the ladies of the Coop! The buzzards hang out waiting for me here so I had to paint them.
Carol...I think what makes your abstracts so good is their solidity and directional qualities and I think the enthusiasm you have for painting them shines through.
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