Tah dah! It is finished. I knew it would be done eventually.
"Rumors in the Field" is an oil painting on panel 24"x12". To refresh your memory the concept of this work started as my own personal thoughts about relationships. Horses have ever changing relationships much like people. Sometimes an old friendship can be torn apart by a new flame. Equines are certainly not human but they do make you wonder if we are really all that different.
As mentioned before this will be shown at the Horse World Arena at the Greater Philadelphia Pet Expo. Check it out at http://www.horseandpetexpo.com/ . Let mem know if you are going, I believe I can help with discounts! Great stuff for pet and horse lovers!
Today's "thank you" goes out to Julie Evans from the Horse and Pet Expo. She went out of her way to make it possible for me to show my work at this event. Her kindness and encouragement will not be forgotten!
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