Lovely day here in New Jersey, I must admit. I think we do have more than our share of sunshine. Yet, even though rain and drizzle were frequent on my trip to England, the visit was no less bright. I have to laugh to myself when I think of how many jokes were made about the weather there. Everyone liked to chide about it. Attitude makes for a good day not the weather.
These photos were taken at the end of my stay in Sheffield. As you can see, I got my pint at a local pub as well as a view of a castle. Whilst photographing the peacocks (check out the white one) I found out not only are people the same all around the world but so are weeds. Nettles. I think they finally stopped stinging today. Ha!
Seriously, anywhere you go in this world you can find beautiful things to see and wonderful people to meet. Sure there are differences but the similarities are greater.
I want to thank the lovely congregation at the Sinai Synagogue in Leeds for a very special Shabbat. Thank you Mr. Lewis and Rabbi Morris for your hospitality. It felt like home. Todah!
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