"Pennsville at Sunset"
graphite sketch in moleskine
Sitting in my car, armed with my moleskine sketch book, I watched the sunset over the Delaware River. People walked their dogs on the beach while the gulls called overhead. It felt like I was at the shore in September trying to soak up the end of summer. Instead, it is January and I'm still in a t-shirt. I'm certain that global warming is bad but right now I'm not complaining. The evening colors of late have been spectacular. I haven't tried painting them because I don't think I could come close to their glory. You'll have to take my word for it or better yet, take 15 minutes and find a good spot to watch the sunset and see them for yourself.
I'd like to thank a regular reader, Sandy, for her kind comments about my blog and work. I'm not sure how and when she found me but I'm honored that she did and stayed.
1 comment:
i was happy for the global warming this week, too! i know it should be snowing, but since it isn't yet, i'll take short-sleeve weather! and i have resisted the urge to take photos in the evenings, too - just saving the images on my own hard drive :o) have a great weekend
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