oil on canvas
work in progress
Above is the current work in progress for "Pet Companions Magazine". This oil painting will be featured on the cover of their September issue, dedicated to the fine work of service dogs. I could think of nothing better than to use an image provided by Canine Partners for Life. (On a side note check their affiliation page as you might recognize someone there!) Keeping in mind the heroic work done by canines during 9/11 and in other times of human need, I thought I would combine all tributes to our dog assistants with this image. What do you think?
I have a long way to go on this painting. As you can see I started working the canvas in umbers. Now I am layering in transparent color to give it depth. I will be softening the background edges and pushing it back even more. The dog will be finished by the end of this week or early next week. This process should create a feeling of the works created by Norman Rockwell. That is what I'm going for. Lately I've been wavering between my old detailed style and my looser more painterly vision. However, I knew for a magazine cover this was the approach that was needed.
As my regular readers know, the past two summers were not full of fun. Well, I seem to be making up for it this year. The painting above and a few pet portraits are still on the easel but I'm guilty of taking time to play as well. Actually, I think it is really important to finally be able to enjoy my good health, so I take this respite with pride. However, I've also been quite busy setting up plans for a new website complete with e-commerce capabilities.
Christine DeGraff, partner and designer for Websketching, is working diligently to create a new and more interactive website for Soulful Studios. I love my current site but see the market changing and requiring a different sort of approach. Christine is also the creator of DiscoverSalemCounty.com that features my work as well. It was that website that prompted me to use her amazing services as I saw that she understood my needs and my interest in improving the awareness of the cultural opportunities in Salem County. I even joined the Woodstown-Pilesgrove Business Association to get more connected myself. My cup runneth over with exciting possibilities.
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