oil on canvas
beginning stages
Currently I am working on two large paintings at once as well as creating greeting cards and prints to be sold on my website, galleries and retail stores. Soulful Studios has never been busier. It requires intense work but I am enjoying it. However, I look forward to the time when the business planning side eases up a bit and I am mostly focusing on painting as that is my true love. Developing new business opportunities will afford me the luxury of more painting time later. I love painting and creating pet portraits, not necessarily finding the work.
The painting above is in its early stages. If you are a regular reader you know that I anthropomorphize my animals. Come back to see the progress of this piece and I will then explain some of the meaning that inspired me to create this piece of equine art.
In the midst of my flurry of recent activity I was stopped in my tracks today by a little girl in the post office. As I opened a gift sent to me by my Canadian friend, Amanda, I was greeted with a big smile and belonging to a pretty little girl around the age of 6 or 7. As I met her glance she held out her hand holding an old silk rose. She quietly but confidently said "this is for you". I was taken aback and meekly said "thank you". Then she skipped out the door as I told her that she had made my day, though I'm not sure she heard me. I didn't even get the chance to share the chocolates that were waiting for me in the package I picked up. My guess is the little girl wouldn't even have wanted anything in return as this was her moment to just give. Something about this happening struck me to the core. So often I go through my day with a sense of routine. It seems every time I step out of that mindset I am pleasantly surprised by life. One little effort on my part to meet the gaze of a child resulted in a special moment that will stay with me and lighten my heart for days. Today was a reminder to not get caught up in my own head for too long as the world can surprise you if you stay aware long enough to let it in.