Sorry for the really trite title for this entry. I just couldn't resist. The cat is out of the bag, or should I say the birds? This is a portrait of two very loved birds named Tiki and Ketta. It was commissioned as a surprise gift for the retiring president of residential styling of Mannington Mills Inc. The graphite drawing is 14"high by 11" wide on 100% cotton rag paper.
This portrait was one of the reasons my blog entries have been minimal recently. I was never asked to draw birds before and I was excited to try something new. However, I soon learned that it required a bit of research and experimentation before working on the finished piece. I had to develop a new visual vocabulary for feathers. Fur I am familiar with...feathers not so much. It was a truly enjoyable process and judging from the reaction of the recipient, quite a successful result.
A little shout out goes to my friend 'B' for letting me know right away how the picture was received. I live for these moments. Thanks my friend! I needed that.