Plastic surgery seems to be the way to go these days right? We all want to look younger and more attractive. Removing every line, wrinkle and blemish is considered beautiful, at least in the media. I must admit, I too am guilty of looking in the mirror and balking at the fine lines, that aren't so fine anymore, gracing my rather young face. However, today I painted a picture of a man that challenges my thinking.
This painting in progress is a tribute to a "medicine man" on a little island in the Bahamas. The photo was offered as a subject for painting to the community of artists I am a member of on the internet. I was so drawn to this man's image, I just had to paint him. He reminded me of people I have met in my life that have "wisdom" written all over their face. Every crease and crevice screams, "I have lived!" To remove any of these character defining lines would kill the very image that I saw as beautiful.
So this makes me wonder, what does my face say? Has age made me look wiser or just older? Do I look as though I have a story to tell worth listening to? As the years go by will I look tired or like I've lived a life of exciting experiences? Is it just your DNA that decides how you will look or is it the roads you have walked that create the image of knowledge?
I will finish this painting, photograph it in daylight and post it at another time so you can really see what it looks like. Until I do I challenge you to take a moment and look in the mirror and wonder...what does your face say? Let me know.